Photography Inspiration - Part 1 - Going to the movies


Photography Inspiration! Ah, you elusive woman. always in the mood for a game of hide and seek. You elude me most of the time and yet when I give up all hope - you stare me in the face.

When you learn photography, it is easy to get bored of shooting the stuff that you usually do. You find that you have shot almost everything around you - at least, you think so!

I often look at movies as a source of inspiration or ideas to create a new photograph or explore a new style of photography.

Looking at the work of masters on top of their game is a great way to learn photography. I am not saying that all of us have access to spaceships and elaborate sets and lights.

Still from the movie 2001: A Space oDyssey

But looking at movies and analysing their shots and frames can teach us a great deal about learning photography.

We can learn about composition

Image from the movie Casablanca

We can learn about contrasting colour

Photo from the Film Eyes Wide Shut Nicole Kidman

We can learn about taking close shots of everyday objects

Photography Inspiration

We can learn about the use of dominant colours

Using colours in The Grand Budapest Hotel

We can learn about using coloured light to create a mood

Using coloured gels to create a mood - Photography Inspiration

Learn about putting friends in awkward poses to create an image

Photography Inspiration


I do know the importance of inspiration when you learn photography but please don't go setting fire to people's houses in the quest for a good photograph.    

And There Will Be Blood

Note:The images in this article have been taken from an article that originally appeared on Buzzfeed and was titled 129 of The Most Beautiful shots in Movie History by Daniel Dalton. Take a look at the original article if you want to see all the 129 frames. Clicking on any of the images will take you to the original article as well.

Please leave a comment below as to where do you get stuck and what would you like to see in the next part of our Photography Inspiration series and please don't forget to share this article with your friends if you liked it.

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