Gorky M's journal - thoughts, inspiration, gear and rants.
The Soft Sun
What is it that you have been struggling to capture?
I think it would not be wrong to say that I am obsessed with light.
I would also not be wrong to say that I absolutely love this time of the year where even a city like Mumbai has a nip in the air and the sun… It is so, so soft!
In this post, I had written about shooting what it feels like and that is exactly what I have been trying to do.
Capture the softness of the sun. I think I am far from it but I think, each year, I am getting a bit closer.
What is it that you have been struggling to capture?
Shoot what it feels like
It is easier said than done!
Don’ shoot what it looks like. Shoot what it feels like.
Easier said than done and it comes with one caveat - on a commercial shoot shoot (read fashion) no one gives a rat’s ass about what it feels like. Everyone wants it the way it looks or even better! God forbid if we managed to shoot what it feels like - it will be a dark, dark photograph! The talent is pissed, the creative director is about to have a coronary and the photographer is on the verge of breaking into tears - but I digress!
Trying to shoot what it feels like is what we were talking about.
Most of us shoot photographs to create a memory - a lover in bed, a happy child, a longing, the softness of the sun, the reason behind that unfinished glass of wine…
This is what will stay with us.
Even your best friends will not scroll five years down your Instagram feed and accept it - even you don’t love yourself that much! Don’t shoot to share. Shoot for yourself.
Shoot what it feels like so that it will stay with you.
More on this in the next post.
Photography and Creative Resolutions for 2019
Photography, life and creative resolutions for 2019.
The First Episode 6. The title made me think I was high!
What is New Year without a few new resolutions? I know that I will end up sticking to some of them and some I will not. Don’t judge me for these. Some I will not reveal (obviously) because they are too personal and will end up biting me if I don’t fulfil them. So don’t mind if I keep them secret! Here are some that I can make public. What are your’s? Let me know in the comments!
Not take up work for money!
I guess we all are a bit guilty of this. This year the focus will be on myself and the work that I do. I make do with less but good work - in the end it is not worth it.
Give up smoking
As I said that this year will be about myself. I know smoking is bad for me and I will quit - or should I say, I have quit - since I haven’t smoked for four days now.
Travel more
Needs no explanation.
Shoot more
Needs no explanation.
Create better content for GMax Studios
While this can take up pages. I am not going to write anything - unless someone (one of you) asks about it!
That way I will know somebody is reading this and somebody is interested!
Making a commitment
Starting a journal.
Shot on the Fujifilm X-T3. JPEG SOOC.
Making a commitment to make this a journal of my journey this year. Hopefully you will find it interesting.
And yeah, wish you all a very Happy New Year!